WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4 & MC meeting
Casa de la Cultura, Tarifa, Spain
8th October
10.00 | Welcome |
10.15-13.00 | Autumn 2014 Calibration Experiment: Progress & Initial Data Analyses (all) |
Presentations from those who have operated radars in 2014 | |
13.00-14.00 | Lunch |
14.00-17.00 | Open discussion of results from 2014 and planned work for 2015 (all participants) |
9th October
09:00-09.30 | General ENRAM updates (all participants) |
09.30-12.30 | Separate meetings for WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4 |
12.30-13:30 | Overview of working group plans and achievements: 15 mins per WG (all) |
13.30 | Lunch |
15.00-18.00 | Special guest lecture from Dr Jeff Kelly (invited international expert from the University of Oklahoma, USA) |
Open discussion on the collaboration between ENRAM & USA radar network (all participants) |
10th October
10.00-13.00 | MC meeting separate agenda to follow (MC members & Jeff Kelly) |
13.00 | Lunch |
End of meeting and depart |
More information can be found in the minutes of the working groups and MC meetings (download).
ENRAM in Tarifa (8 October 2014), Spain, with Morroco visible in the background. Photo: Johan Backman