WG1, WG2, WG3, WG4 & MC meeting

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014, Switzerland

Location: Luzernerstube

9:00 Welcome – administration – organisation
9:15 Introduction to COST Action ES1305 “ENRAM” – Jason
9:35 Presentation of the WG-aims for this meeting by the WG-leaders (5min each for Hidde, Felix, Hans & Ommo)
10:05 Coffee break
10:30 WG1: Presentations and discussions
11:30 WG2: Presentations and discussions
12:30 Lunch
14:00 WG3: Presentations and discussions
15:20 Coffee break
15:45 WG4: Presentations and discussions
16:45 General discussion “to do list for next the day”
17:15 End

Wednesday, 26th March, 2014, Switzerland

Location: Vogelwarte Sempach

9:00 Plenary “Aims of the day for each WG” (5min /WG)
9:30 Parallel WG sessions (with coffee break)
12:00 Lunch
13:00 Plenary “Results from the WG’s” (15min/WG)
14:00 MC meeting
16:00 End

More information can be found in the minutes of the WG meetings (download) and the minutes of the MC meeting (download).

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