WG3 workshop: Visualisations: from show cases to production

WG3 workshop ‘Visualisations: from show cases to production’

Location: University of Amsterdam, Science Park 904, 1098 XH Amsterdam, The Netherlands

9-12 June 2015

The aims of the workshop are:

  • Use the input from the visualisations (flow visualization, TIMAMP) to write an extended outline of a paper on nocturnal migration visualization;
  • Use the current flow visualization framework to visualize a test case from the US;
  • Suggest and implement improvements for the TIMAMP visualization (http://timamp.github.io/) and potentially use it to visualize a test case from the US;
  • Develop requirements for an animated migration visualization prototype for end users / general public based on general density, speed and direction, but without altitude, displayed on a scalable map, potentially with wind and sunrise/set information;
  • Develop guidelines for moving visualization prototypes to production: hosting, near-real time information, extend to other countries, etc;
  • Outline of WG3 aims for the next two years? The agenda and minutes of the workshop are available here: Minutes WG3 workshop Amsterdam – 2015 June 9-12.

meeting photo Working break @ UvA during working group 3 meeting, June 2015