
Tools, documentation and recommendations

Dokter A, Verlinden L, Haase G, Desmet P and Leijnse H. 2017. Update on OPERA data quality and evaluation for biological studies by ENRAM in 2016-2017. (The document can be downloaded here)

Desmet P, van Gasteren H, Shamoun-Baranes J. 2016. Roadmap for an animal migration explorer using weather radar data.

Bird migration flow visualizations (online interactive tool available here)

TIMAMP – Time Integrated Mult-Altitude Migration patterns (online interactive tool available here)

Forward trajectory model visualization blog post (STSM Desmet and Aelterman 2015) http://lifewatch.inbo.be/blog/posts/forward-trajectory-visualizations.html



Nilsson C, Dokter AM, Verlinden L, Shamoun-Baranes J, Schmid B, Desmet P, Bauer S, Chapman J, Alves JA, Stepanian PM, Sapir N, Wainwright C, Boos M, Górska A, Menz MHM, Rodrigues P, Leijnse H, Zehtindjiev P, Brabant R, Haase G, Weisshaupt N, Ciach M, Liechti F, Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network. Ecography 0. https://doi.org/10.1111/ecog.04003.

Nilsson C, Dokter AM, Verlinden L, Shamoun-Baranes J, Schmid B, Desmet P, Bauer S, Chapman J, Alves JA, Stepanian PM, Sapir N, Wainwright C, Boos M, Górska A, Menz MHM, Rodrigues P, Leijnse H, Zehtindjiev P, Brabant R, Haase G, Weisshaupt N, Ciach M, Liechti F, 2018. Supplementary material for ‘Revealing patterns of nocturnal migration using the European weather radar network’ [Data set].  Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.1172801

Panuccio M,  Dell’Omo G, Bogliani G, Catoni C, Sapir N. Migrating birds avoid flying through fog and low clouds. International Journal of Biometeorology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00484-018-01656-z


Becciu P, Panuccio M, Catoni C, Dell’Omo G, Sapir N. Contrasting aspects of tailwinds and asymemetrical response to crosswinds in soaring migrants. Behavioural Ecology and Sociobiology 72:28. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00265-018-2447-0


Agostini N, Panuccio M, Pastorino A, Sapir N, Dell’Omo G. 2017. Migration of the Western Marsh Harrier to the African wintering quarters along the Central Mediterranean flyway: a 5-year study. Avian Research 8:24. https://doi.org/10.1186/s40657-017-0081-6

Bauer S, Chapman JW, Reynolds DR, Alves JA, Dokter AM, Menz MMH, Sapir N, Ciach M, Pettersson LB, Kelly JF, Leijnse H, Shamoun-Baranes J. 2017. From agricultural benefits to aviation safety: realizing the potential of continent-wide radar networks. BioScience bix074. https://doi.org/10.1093/biosci/bix074

Chilson, PB, Stepanian, PM & Kelly JF. 2017. Radar Aeroecology.  In: Aeroecology (ed. by P.B. Chilson, W.F. Frick, J.F. Kelly & F. Liechti), pp. 277-309. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68576-2_12

Metz IC, Ellerbroek J, Muhlhausen T, Kugler D, Hoekstra JM. 2017.  Simulating the risk of bird strikes. Seventh SESAR Innovation Dayspdf

Michev B, Zehtindjev P, Marinov MP, Liechti F. 2017. Relationship between the intensity of nocturnal migration measured by radar and the anthropogenic mortality of birds. Acta Zoologica Bulgaria 69: 229-237.

Reynolds DR, Chapman JW & Drake VA. 2017. Riders on the Wind: the Aeroecology of Insect Migrants.  In: Aeroecology (ed. by P.B. Chilson, W.F. Frick, J.F. Kelly & F. Liechti), pp. 145-177. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68576-2_7

Shamoun-Baranes J, van Gasteren H & Ross-Smith V. 2017. Sharing the Aerosphere: Conflicts and Potential Solutions.  In:  Aeroecology (ed. by P.B. Chilson, W.F. Frick, J.F. Kelly & F. Liechti), pp. 465-497. Springer International Publishing AG, Cham, Switzerland. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-68576-2_18

Shamoun-Baranes J, Liechti F, Vansteelant WMG. 2017. Atmospheric conditions create freeways, detours and tailbacks for migrating birds. Journal of Comparative Physiology A:1-21. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00359-017-1181-9

Weisshaupt N, Lehmann V, Arizaga J, Maruri M, 2017. Radar wind profilers and avian migration: a qualitative and quantitative assessment verified by thermal imaging and moon watching. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. https://doi.org/10.1111/2041-210X.12763


Hu G, Lim KS, Horvitz N, Clark SJ, Reynolds DR, Sapir N, Chapman JW. 2016. Mass seasonal biolflows of high-flying insect migrants. Science 354: 1584-1587. https://doi.org/10.1126/science.aah4379

Shamoun-Baranes J, Farnsworth A, Aelterman B, Alves JA, Azijn K, Bernstein G, Branco S, Desmet P, Dokter AM, Horton K, Kelling S, Kelly JF, Leijnse H, Rong J, Sheldon D, Van den Broeck W, Van Den Meersche JK, Van Doren BM, van Gasteren H, 2016. Innovative Visualizations Shed Light on Avian Nocturnal Migration. PLoS ONE 11:e0160106. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0160106

Treep J, Bohrer G, Shamoun-Baranes J, Duriez O, Frasson RPdM, Bouten W. 2016. Using High-Resolution GPS Tracking Data of Bird Flight for Meteorological Observations. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society 97:951-961. https://doi.org/10.1175/BAMS-D-14-00234.1


Chapman, J. W., Nilsson, C., Lim, K. S., Bäckman, J., Reynolds, D. R. & Alerstam, T. 2015. Adaptive strategies in nocturnally migrating insects and songbirds: contrasting responses to wind. Journal of Animal Ecology 85:115 -124. http://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2656.12420

Chapman, J. W., Nilsson, C., Lim, K. S., Bäckman, J., Reynolds, D. R., Alerstam, T. & Reynolds, A. M. 2015. Detection of flow direction in high-flying insect and songbird migrants. Current Biology,25: R751-R752. http://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2015.07.074


Shamoun-Baranes J, Alvesᅠ JA, Bauer S, Dokter AM, Heuppop O, Koistinen J, Leijnse H, Liechti F, van Gasteren H, Chapman JW. 2014. Continental-scale radar monitoring of the aerial movements of animals. Movement Ecology 2:9.ᅠhttps://doi.org/10.1186/2051-3933-2-9

Blog posts

Schmid, B. 2019. How many birds are on the move? Towards quantitative species-specific migration models. EuroBirdPortal – News (14 February 2019).

Shamoun-Baranes, J. 2015. New Year’s Eve fireworks cause a mass exodus of birds. Oxford University Press Blog (30 December 2015). http://blog.oup.com/2015/12/new-years-eve-birds-exodus/#sthash.l47HmxB4.dpuf

Conference contributions

Jason Chapman, Judy Shamoun-Baranes, Adriaan Dokter, Hidde Leijnse, Felix Liechti, Jarmo Koistinen, Cecilia Nilsson, Hans van Gasteren, José Alves, Nir Sapir, Ommo Hüppop, Don Reynolds, and Silke Bauer. 2018. The European Network for the Radar surveillance of Animal Movement (ENRAM). European Geosciences Union General Assembly, Vienna. (oral presentation)

Shamoun-Baranes, J, Chapman J, Alves JA, Desmet P, Dokter A, van Gasteren H, Leijnse H, Verlinden L, Bauer S. 2016. Utilizing existing earth observation networks to monitor and forecast aerial movements of animals for science and society. British Ecological Society Annual Meeting, Liverpool, UK. (Oral Presentation)

Alves, A.J., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Desmet, P., Dokter, A., Bauer, S., Heuppop, O., Koistinen, J., Leijnse, H., Liechti, F., van Gasteren, H., van den Broeck, W., Chapman, J.W. 2015. Monitoring continent-wide aerial patterns of bird movements using weather radars. BOU Proceedings – Birds in time and space: avian tracking and remote sensing.

Gürbüz, S.Z., Reynolds, D.R., Koistinen, J., Liechti, F., Leijnse, H., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Dokter, A.M., Kelly, J. & Chapman, J.W. 2015. Exploring the skies: Technological challenges in radar aeroecology. Radar Conference (RadarCon), 2015 IEEE. pp. 0817-0822. https://doi.org/10.1109/RADAR.2015.7131108 (conference paper)

Alves, J.A., Shamoun-Baranes, J. Desmet, P., Dokter, A., Bauer, S., Hüppop, O., Koistinen, J., Leijnse, H., Liechti, F. Gasteren, H., & Chapman, J.W. 2015. Monitoring continent-wide aerial patterns of bird movements using weather radars. British Ornithologists’ Union Annual Conference – Birds in time and space: avian tracking and remote sensing, Leicester, UK. (oral presentation)

Alves, J.A. & J Shamoun-Baranes. 2015. Radar aeroecology: unravelling population scale patterns of avian movement. 10th European Ornithological Congress, Badajoz, Spain. (Round Table Discussion)

Alves, J.A., Shamoun-Baranes, J. Desmet, P., Dokter, A., Bauer, S., Hüppop, O., Koistinen, J., Leijnse, H., Liechti, F. Gasteren, H., & Chapman, J.W. Using weather radars to monitor continent-wide aerial patterns of animal movement. 5th International Bio-Logging Science Symposium, Strasbourg, France, September 2014. (poster)

Alvesᅠ JA, Shamoun-Baranes J, Desmet P, Dokter A, Bauer S, Heuppop O, Koistinen J, Leijnse H, Liechti F, van Gasteren H, Chapman JW. 2014. Die Nutzung eines Wetterradar-Netzwerks zur europaweiten Beobachtung des Vogelzugs. Vogelwarte 4: 276-277. extended abstract.

Alvesᅠ JA, Shamoun-Baranes J, Desmet P, Dokter A, Bauer S, Heuppop O, Koistinen J, Leijnse H, Liechti F, van Gasteren H, Chapman JW. 2014. Die Nutzung eines Wetterradar-Netzwerks zur europaweiten Beobachtung des Vogelzugs. Annual meeting of German Ornithologists’ Society, Bielfield, 1-6 October. Alves et al poster.

Leijnse, H., Dokter, A., Günther, H., Jacewicz, P., Leskinen, M., Balleri, A., Shamoun-Baranes, J., Alves, J.A., Bauer, S., Hüppop, O., Koistinen, J., Liechti, F., Gasteren, H. & Chapman, J.W. The European Network for the Radar Surveillance of Animal Movement. 8th European Conference on Radar in Metereology and Hydrology, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, September 2014. (Oral presentation)

Shamoun-Baranes, J., J Chapman, A Dokter, H van Gasteren, M de Graaf, H Leijnse, F Liechti. 2014. Continental-scale radar monitoring of the aerial movements of animals. 26th International Ornithological Congress. 18-24 August, Tokyo (symposium presentation)

van Gasteren, H., Alves, J.A., Shamoun-Baranes, J. Desmet, P., Dokter, A., Bauer, S., Hüppop, O., Koistinen, J., Liechti, F. & Chapman, J.W.  A European-wide BIRDTAM system using the weather radar network. Bird/Wildlife Strike Prevention Conference, Mexico, October 2014. (oral presentation)

Press coverage of ENRAM output

KNMI posted a news article about the PLoS ONE paper posted by: http://www.knmi.nl/over-het-knmi/nieuws/nieuwe-radarvisualisatie-geeft-inzicht-in-vogeltrek

Article in The Wildlife Society about the PLoS ONE paper: http://wildlife.org/new-radar-visualization-shows-the-flow-of-bird-migrations/

Additional coverage of the PLoS ONE paper:

