Final ENRAM & MC meeting
Programme for final ENRAM & MC meeting
September 11-12, 2017 – STAM Gent, Belgium
Venue: Stadmuseum Gent (, room Hert van Maria, Godshuizenlaan 2, 9000 Ghent.
Map of meeting location, nearby hotels and places to grab lunch:
Monday, 11 September 2017
09:30–12:00 | MC meeting (MC members only). Minutes of the meeting can be downloaded here |
12:00–13:30 | Lunch (not provided, please self-organize, see map) |
13:30 | ENRAM meeting (all participants) |
13:30–13:40 | Welcome + practical meeting information |
13:40–14:55 | Overview of the achievements of the different working groups presented by the different WG leaders (15-20min each) |
14:55–15:00 | Introduction to writing sessions |
15:00–15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30–16:45 | Writing/discussion sessions (team up with colleagues): |
Final ENRAM report | |
Papers for the special issue | |
16:45–18:00 | Keynote presentations: |
Radar entomology: recent advances and where we go from here – Charlotte Wainwright | |
The new wave of radar ornithology – Cecilia Nilsson | |
19:30 | Dinner at “Pakhuis” (Schuurkenstraat 4, Ghent) |
Tuesday, 12 September 2017
9:30 | ENRAM meeting (all participants) |
9:30–10:15 | STSM presentations (5 min each): |
The effects of fog on the flight behaviour of migrating Honey Buzzards as recorded by radar – Michele Panuccio | |
Real-time visualisation of raw weather radar data over the Netherlands and Belgium – Phil Stepanian | |
Algorithm operationalisation in BALTRAD: upgrade and back processing – Liesbeth Verlinden | |
Data infrastructure proof of concept – Peter Desmet | |
Vertical profile (vp) data processing for analyses and visualizations – Peter Desmet | |
Verification of insect presence in raw data of radar wind profilers – Nadja Weisshaupt | |
A mathematical approach to process and analyse biological signatures in wind profiler data – Nadja Weisshaupt | |
Comparison of bird echoes between wind profiler systems – Nadja Weisshaupt for Mercedes Machado | |
10:15–10:45 | Keynote presentation: |
Grand challenges in animal movement research – Silke Bauer & Nir Sapir | |
10:45–10:55 | Introduction to ITN grant |
10:55–11:15 | Coffee break |
11:15–12:00 | Writing/discussion sessions (team up with colleagues): |
ITN grant | |
Papers for the special issue | |
12:00–13:30 | Lunch (not provided, please self-organize, see map) |
13:30–15:00 | Writing/discussion sessions (team up with colleagues): |
ITN grant | |
Papers for the special issue | |
15:00–15:30 | Coffee break |
15:30–17:00 | Plenary session: |
Report on writing/discussion sessions | |
Plenary discussion | |
Closing of the meeting | |
17:00–18:00 | Drinks (in STAMCafé, at venue location) |