Other activities
15-17 January 2017, Munich
Yossi Leshem gave a presentation at the DLD Conference in Munich highlighing ENRAM and reaching German newsfeeds.
11–14 December 2016, Liverpool
Judy Shamoun-Baranes and Silke Bauer presented talks at the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting in Liverpool featuring ENRAM.
13 October 2016, Rothamsted
Rothamsted Research organized a public event Insect & bird migration: revealing the mysteries of flight, featuring ENRAM related talks by Jason Chapman, Judy Shamoun-Baranes and Jason Lim. Talks and an audio of the event are available online on the event page.
24-28 August 2015, Badajoz
Judy Shamoun-Baranes present a plenary talk at the European Ornithologist’s Union Conference featuring ENRAM and together with José Alves organized a Round Table Discussion on “Radar aeroecology: unravelling population scale patterns of avian movement” which included a presentation by Cecilia Nilsson. Minutes from the round table discussion can be found here.
28 July-1 August 2015, University of Oklahoma, Norman, United States
Adriaan Dokter presented an ENRAM talk at the Joint American Ornithologists’ Union (133rd Stated Meeting) and Cooper Ornithological Society (85th Stated Meeting).
31 March-2 April 2015, University of Leicester
Jose Alves presented ENRAM at the British Ornithologist’s Union annual conference on “Birds in time and Space: avian tracking and remote sensing”.
1-6 October 2014, Bielefeld
Ommo Heupop presented a poster about ENRAM at the annual convention of the German Ornithologists’ Society in Bielefeld, 1-6 March 2014.
24-25 September 2014, Adelaide
Alistair Drake gave a presentation about ENRAM at the PIRR 2014 conference.
22–26 September 2014, Strasbourg
Jose Alves and co-authors presented a poster about ENRAM at the 5th Bio-logging Science Symposium in Strasbourg. Jason Chapman and Judy Shamoun-Baranes will be presenting some of their research in a workshop focusing on flight. Several other members of ENRAM were present at this symposium.
17 September 2014, De Bilt
Judy Shamoun-Baranes gave a presentation about ENRAM at the OPERA Expert team meeting hosted at KNMI in De Bilt, the Netherlands. Several other ENRAM members, some of which also members of OPERA, attended this meeting.
1–5 September 2014, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany
Matti Leskinen and Hidde Leijnse presented ENRAM related research at the 8th European Conference on Radar in Meteorology and Hydrology. Matti Leskinen’s presentation is available here. More information about the meeting as well as submitted abstracts is available here.
18-24 August 2014, Tokyo
Judy Shamoun-Baranes gave a presentation about ENRAM at the 26th International Ornithological Congress in Japan during the Radar Aeroecology symposium. Several ENRAM members were present at the conference and presented their ongoing research including Jason Chapman, Adriaan Dokter, Ommo Heuppop and Felix Liechti. The ENRAM presentation can be downloaded here. If you would like to use this material please contact one of the authors in advance.
19-21 March 2014, Warsaw
Hidde Leijnse gave a short presentation on ENRAM for European radar meteorologists at the OPERA (Operational Programme for the Exchange of Weather Radar Information) meeting in Warsaw, 19-21 March 2014.